deutsch english

Ludwigstrasse 24, 95444 Bayreuth

View of the gallery

View of the gallery

View of the gallery

View of the gallery

Ludwigstrasse | Near New Palace

Works from the gallery´s Programme

Works of

Fritz Bien
Helga Elben
Karin Frank
Johannes Gervé
Thomas Grochowiak
Willibrord Haas
Tina Juretzek
Kubach & Kropp
Werner Lehmann
Marie-Françoise Lespès
Herbert Mehler
Stefan Noss
David Olivant
Bianca Patricia
Andrzej Jan Piwarski
Helga Regenstein
Tara Sabharwal
Pavel Schmidt
Michael Schoenholtz
Julia Sossinka
Claudia Tebben
Reinhard Voss
Harald Wolff
et al


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