Reinhard Voss
Reinhard Voss builds countenances: relief-like faces and heads of outstanding grace and presence. To create most different shapes of heads and faces, the artist collects fragments of wood with varying structure and grain, then joins them together. Using Indian ink and acrylic paint, he puts signs and stigmata on the surface, a process similar to tattoing. By the haptic and visual appeal of the object´s surface the strong expression of his portraits is even increased, nevertheless they innate calm, concentration and intensity: skin as surface and sensual membrane. A hidden interior, a content always renewed and individually to explore; familiarness and foreignness, identity and individual: Those are the issues Reinhard Voss tries to resolve by his art.
Reinhard Voss, born in Rendsburg/Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany, studied sculpture at the academy of fine arts in Karlruhe in the classes of Prof. Hiromi Akiyama and Prof. Stephan Balkenhol. The works of Stephan Balkenhol´s master student soon attracted great attention. Working freelance since 2000, Reinhard Voss‘ portraits are shown in widely noticed exhibitions both at home and abroad. The artist lives and works in Karlsruhe.
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Exhibitions of the
JANZEN Gallery
konterfei06.09. - 25.10.2019
Art Karlsruhe22. - 25.02.2018
Art Karlsruhe15. - 19.02.2017
SHAPED04.11 - 03.12.2016
Art Karlsruhe18. - 21.03.2016
JANZEN Gallery at Löwenpalais | Berlin
17. - 23.09.2015
Art Karlsruhe05. - 08.03.2015
FACE TO FACE 15.11. - 14.12.2014
Art Karlsruhe 13. – 16.03.2014
Art Karlsruhe 07. – 10.03.2013
persona – Unter der haut
10. – 22.12.2012
born in Rendsburg/Schleswig-Holstein
1979 – 1982
Werkkunstschule Flensburg
Fachhochschule Ottersberg/Bremen, study of arttherapy
1993 – 1998
study of sculpture at the academy of fine arts, Karlsruhe
in the classes of
Prof. Hiromi Akiyama and
Prof. Stephan Balkenhol
scolarship for graduates of Baden-Württemberg
since 2000
Exhibitions (Selected)
JANZEN Gallery, Bayreuth
Limlip art museum, Gongju, Korea
KIAF Seoul / Korea
»Persona – unter der Haut«, JANZEN Gallery, Düsseldorf
Salon der Gegenwart, Hamburg
KIAF, Seoul, Galerie artpark
Galerie Quai Est, Ivry-sur-Seine, Paris
Nexus Kunstcenter, Tinglev, DK
»Objekte«, Galerie Eulenspiegel, Basel
Galerie Radicke, Bonn
Duru Artspace, Seoul
Art Karlsruhe, One-Artist-Show
International Foundation, Kyoto
Chic Artfair, Galerie Quai Est, Paris
AKM, Haus Metternich, Koblenz
KIAF, Seoul, Galerie artpark
»Subjekte«, Galerie Kontrapost, Leipzig
Art Karlsruhe, One-Artist-Show
ZKM - Kunst im Hallenbau, Karlsruhe
Galerie Radicke, Bonn
OAG, Tokyo
»Chic Art Fair«, Galerie Quai Est, Paris
»Manifestamaastricht«, NL - Maastricht Art
Karlsruhe, One-Artist-Show
»Zeitsprung«, Stadtmuseum Hüfingen
Galerie Quai Est, Ivry-sur-Seine, Paris
Art Karlsruhe
UND#4, Karlsruhe
Städtische Galerie »Villa Streccius«, Landau
Galerie Eulenspiegel, Basel Kulturverein
Provisorium, Nürtingen
UND#3, Karlsruhe, »interberlin«
Galerie Muelder Bruns, Heidelberg
»doping confortable«, Artopie, F - Meisenthal
»BLIND GEKOMMEN«, Galerie Heimspiel, Frankf.
»Ooh Margarethe II«, UND#2, Karlsruhe
»Kunstflüge«, Banegaarden, DK - Aabenraa
»TASTKÖRPERCHEN«, »Neuer Kunstraum Karlsr.«
»EXOGAM«, »Elaboratorium«, Karlsruhe
»nord-art«, Schleswig-Holstein
»intershop IV«, Halle/Saale
»BEISTAND«, Kulturkreis Sulzfeld
Kunstpreis Stadt Walldorf, sculpture project with J. Gervé and M-K. Park
»Hautsichten«, Produzenten AG SüdWestDeutschland, Edesheim
»ANFALL«, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
»double feature - double bind«, Projektraum e.V., Berlin
Künstlerbund BW, annual exhibition, Städtische Galerie, Karlsruhe
Portraitmilieu, Hotel Miramar, Sylt
Ateliereinblicke 2000 – »Unterhalb der Außenhaut«, EnBW AG, Karlsruhe
Brötzinger Art e.V., association for artistic exchange, Pforzheim
release & Kunst, Stuttgart
exhibition (master), Schloss Bruchsal
»Nischentechnik«, AdBK, Karlsruhe
1995 – 2001
during the study with the class of Stephan Balkenhol at Galerie Löhrl,
Kunstforum Seligenstadt;
Galerie Schwind, Frankfurt;
Künstlerhaus Ulm;
Kunstverein Kronach;
Kunstverein Aalen