Tara Sabharwal
Tara Sabharwal, 1957 in New-Delhi/Indien geboren, studierte Malerei am Royal College of Art in London. Nach mehreren Jahren in Großbritannien kehrte sie zunächst für drei Jahre zurück nach Indien, um danach acht Jahre lang ein Leben zwischen Delhi, London und New York zu führen. Seit 1998 ist New York, wo sie überwiegend lebt und arbeitet, zum Lebensmittelpunkt geworden. In London und New-Delhi unterhält sie weiterhin ihre Ateliers, die sie regelmäßig aufsucht, um dort zu arbeiten.
Tara Sabharwals Arbeiten sind geprägt vom Leben in drei verschiedenen Welten, Kontinenten und Kulturen. Technisch wie inhaltlich bewegt sie sich zwischen Tradition und Moderne. In Anlehnung an traditionelle indische Kunsttechniken fertigt sie zunächst Monotypien, die sie mit Öl, Acryl und/oder Wasserfarben übermalt. Inhaltlich kennzeichnen klassische indische Symbolik, gepaart mit westlich-modernen Motiven, ihre Arbeiten. Introvertiert, beinahe träumerisch, in einer Art innerer Monolog, setzt sich Tara Sabharwal mit den Realitäten und gesellschaftlichen Problemen ihres Herkunftslandes auseinander. Die Ambivalenz von Geborgenheit und Sicherheit in familiären Strukturen einerseits und die damit verbundenen, Freiheitsdrang und das Streben nach persönlicher Entwicklung behindernden Normen und Zwänge, sind ihr Thema.
Tara Sabharwal subsumiert die Erfahrungen ihres kosmopolitischen Lebens und ihrer persönlichen Entwicklung in ihren Bildern – Widersprüche und Gegensätze verbinden sich zu einem poetischen Neuen.
Seit 1983 sind Tara Sabharwals Werke regelmäßig in Ausstellungen in Indien, Großbritannien und den USA zu sehen. Ihre Arbeiten befinden sich in bedeutenden öffentlichen und privaten Sammlungen, u.a. im Victoria und Albert Museum, London sowie im British Museum, London.
Ausstellungen der
JANZEN Galerie
Cologne Paper Art11. - 13.04.2014
Art Karlsruhe13. - 16.03.2014
06.09.- 09.11.2013
Art Karlsruhe07. - 10.03.2013
Art Karlsruhe10. - 13.03.2011
ART KARLSRUHE05. - 08.03.2009
MORNING DEW22.08. - 20.09.2008
Delhi - London - New York
04.07. - 24.07.2004
geboren in New-Delhi/Indien
MA (RCA) in Malerei, Royal College of Art, London/UK
BA (Fine Arts) in Malerei, MS Universität, Baroda/Indien
Sammlungen | Collections
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
Peabody Essex Museum, Massachusetts, USA
Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA
The British Museum, London
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Auszeichnungen | Awards
Artist in residence, Center for International cultural exchange, HISHIO, Katsuyama, Japan
Cooper Union School of Art, New York City. Artist-Teacher Summer residency
New York Artists Online, New York City. Award
2001 - 2002
International Cultural Collaborations fellowship, New York City
1992 - 1993
Henry Street Fellowship / Residency at Henry Street Settlement, New York City
1989 - 1990
Durham Cathedral Fellowship / Artist in Residence at Durham Cathedral, Durham, UK
1988 - 1989
Myles Meehan Fellowship / Artist in Residence at Darlington Arts Center, UK
Royal Overseas League, London
1982 - 1984
British Council Scholarship, Study grant
Lehrtätigkeit | Teaching
1988 - 1989
Taught on the BFA Painting course in Newcastle Polytechnic, Newcastle, UK
1989 - 1990
Taught on BFA Painting course in Sunderland Polytechnic, Sunderland, UK
since 1998
Teaching Artist with Studio in a School, New York City
2000 - 2002
Teaching Artist Residency with the Guggenheim Museum, New York City
2003 - 2005
Teaching Artist with Art in General, New York City
2004 - 2011
Teaching artist with Creative Classrooms, New York City
2004 - 2005
Adjunct Professor, Cooper Union School of Art, New York City
2005 - 2007
Adjunct Professor, John Jay College. CUNY, New York City
2007 - 2009
Education consultant, Rubin Museum of Art, New York City
since 2005
Serving on Board of Governors at Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop, New York City
Einzelausstellungen |
Solo Exhibitions
Janzen Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
JHW Fine Art, London, UK
Shreedharani gallery, New Delhi, India
Contemporary art fair, Citerno Castel Giorgio. Orvieto, Italy
Janzen Galerie, Wuppertal, Germany
Center for International Cultural exchange HISHIO, Katsuyama, Japan
V.M. gallery, Karachi, Pakistan
Art alive gallery, New Delhi, India
John Jay college Gallery, New York City
Cymroza Gallery, Mumbai, India
Janzen Galerie, Gevelsberg, Germany
Steven Harris Gallery, New York City
Art Heritage Gallery, New Delhi, India
Michael Oess Galerie, Konstanz, Germany
Cymroza Gallery, Mumbai, India
Nazar Gallery, Baroda, India
John Jay Gallery, New York City
Gallery at 678, New York City
Sakshi Gallery, Bombay, India
Sakshi Gallery, Bangalore, India
Art Heritage Gallery, New Delhi, India
Rebecca Hossack Gallery, London, UK
Galerie Schwerpunkt, Stuttgart, Germany
Galerie Scherer, Miltenberg, Germany
La Monte Gallery, London, UK
Art Heritage Gallery, New Delhi, India
Harewood House, Leeds, UK
Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
DLI Museum, Durham, UK
Darlington Art Center, Darlington, UK
DLI Museum, Durham, UK
Cymrosa Gallery, Bombay, India
Art Heritage Gallery, New Delhi, India
Christopher Hull Gallery, London, UK
Ausstellungsbeteiligungen | Group Exhibitions
Art Karlsruhe, JANZEN Galerie, Germany
Multiple Encounters – A festival of printmaking. Curated by Vijay Kumar.
India art fair. Delhi and touring to Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai and Chennai
Erasing Borders 2012. Curated by Vijay Kumar. Crossing Art gallery, Queens.
Queens Museum, Art7 Virginia and traveling to other US venues
Back to School – Baroda artists. Guild art gallery, Mumbai, India
Winter group show. Gallery 128, NY
NY Society of Printmakers– 2nd National exhibition of Intaglio prints.
National Arts club, New York City
Juied print show – Manhattan Graphics Center, New York
SAWCC Her stories – South Asian Women’s collective 15 year anniversary show.
Queens Museum, New York
Peacable Kingdom – Wilmar Jennings art gallery, New York City.
Artists from Robert Blackburn Printmaking workshop
Erasing borders – Queens Museum, New York City, Aicon gallery, New York City, Uconn gallery, Uconn
Back to school – Artists from Baroda art college.
Gallery Palette, New Delhi, India and Tao gallery Mumbai
Gallery Espace: Marvellous Reality, held at Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi, India
5ª Bienal Internacional de Gravura – Douro, Portugal
Art train, USA. Celebrating America’s diversity
Robert Blackburn Printmaking workshop – Member’s show
New York Society of Etchers – 10th anniversary show
Printweek, New York City. Rockaway, Queens
7th international engraving biennale. Domain and Orangery, Versailles, Paris
Ganjifa, playing cards portfolio participation. Hornan gallery, Falun, Sweden, Impact 6, Bristol, UK and Barr Smith Library, The University of Adelaide, Australia. Reading room gallery, University of Austen, Texas and more
Monumental ideas in Miniature books portfolio participation. Columbia college, Chicago.
Morgan education foundation, Ohio, Univ De Kalp, South Texas college and more
Erasing borders 2009 – South Asian artists in America, Dowd Fne art gallery, SUNY, NY.
Elizabeth Foundation for Arts gallery, New York City, Queens Museum of art, New York City,
Gallery at Penn college, Williamsport, PA
India summit. New Delhi
Art alive gallery, New Delhi. ‚Think small’
For Hussien, artists honor M.F. Hussein, organized by SAHMAT, Jamia Milia gallery, New Delhi, and Calcutta
Gallery Projects, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ‚Contemporary India’
Art Karlsruhe, JANZEN Galerie, Germany
New York Society of Etchers – annual selected group show
Printweek New York City. Rockaway, Queens
Art Alive gallery, New Delhi, India. ‚Contemporary drawings’
Art Motif Gallery, New Delhi, India. ‚Pastels: contemporary Indian art’
Erasing Borders ‚Indian art of the Diasporas’ and traveling to Tabla Rasa gallery, Queens Museum and
The Guild gallery, New York City
Art Karlsruhe, JANZEN Galerie, Germany
Queens Museum, New York City. Erasing Borders
Art Guild gallery, New York City, Erasing borders
Global Arts village, New Delhi, India. Art for Prabhat
Visual Art gallery, New Delhi, India. Encore! Art for Prabhat
Art Guild gallery, New York. SAWCC auction
Daegu Civic Museum, Daegu, South Korea. Print Art. NY / Daegu
Ulsan Cultural Art center, Ulsan, South Korea. NY / Daegu Modern prints.
City Hall. Asian American Art Centre. NY Eviction Blues
Indian Consulate, New York City. Contemporary Indian artists
Bose Pacia gallery, Fulbright/ Christie’s auction, New York City
X-Change. Palazzo della cultura, Modugno, Italy / Palazzacio Antico communedi Sanzano, Italy
Henry Street Settlement, New York City. At Home: Visions of our place in the world
Asian American Art Center, New York City. Eviction Blues
John Jay College, New York City. Staff show
Bank Street School, New York City. Staff show
Arpana gallery, New Delhi, India. Progress for People
Cusick At Studio, Group show NYC Asian Fusion gallery, New York City. Revelations
X-Change, Storefront Va Mazoni, Bari, Italy / Federro Secondo gallery, Bari, Italy
Indira Gandhi Center for the Arts, New Delhi. Printmakers from Manhattan.
Graphics Center, New York City
Cooper Union School of Art, New York City. Summer Residency program
Gallery 128, NY. ‚Self- ish‘ Self Portraits
The Elizabeth Foundation, New York City. The Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop
Gallery 128, NY. Jugalbandi, South Asian and American Artists
Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi, India. Sahamt, The making of India
The Asian American Art Center and the Silk Route place. In the shadow of 9/11
Asian American Art Center, New York City. The AAAC story
WARC, Toronto, Canada. Three person show. Funded by Canadian Arts Council
Gallery Art Alive, New Delhi, India
Henry Street Settlement, New York City. International Cultural Collaborations exhibition
Bharat Bhavan, 5th Bharat Bhavan International Print Biennial, Bhopal, India
Gallery 128, NY
The Scene Gallery, New York City
The New century Artists gallery, New York City. Artists at Work, Studio in a School
Henry Street Settlement, New York City. Other
Bose Pacia Modern, New York City. Shaken and Stirred, SAWCC
Gallery 128, NY
Gallery 128, NY
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. Images of Delhi, also touring to Moscow
Gallery 128, NY
Rebecca Hossack Gallery, London
Indus gallery, New Delhi, India
Columbia University
Bernice Steinbaum gallery, New York City
Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, New York City
Gallery 128, NY
Mercury Gallery, London, New York City. Sita in the City, International Sita Symposium
Macy Gallery, Columbia University, New York City. Exploring America’s Cultures
Lalit Kala Academy, Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi. Baroda Alumni
Gallery at 678, New York City. India Centenary
India Mission for the UN, New York City
Gallery 128, NY
Cymrosa Gallery, Bombay
Gallery Art Motif, New Delhi
Gallery Espace, New Delhi
Sahmat, touring to Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New York. Postcards for Gandhi
Art Heritage Gallery, New Delhi
DLI Museum, Durham, UK
City Hall, New York City. From the dragon’s cloud, Asian American artists
Organization Independent Artists, New York City. ‚Unwanted Figures of the Imagination‘
India mission for the UN, New York City. Indian artists in New York
Pennslavania University, Philadelphia. ‚Mosaic‘, Asian American artists
Gallery 128, NY
Mercury Gallery, London
Din Associates, London
East West Gallery, London
Gallery Seven, Hong Kong
Henry Street Settlement, New York City. Artist In Residence
Council for the Arts, Glen Cove, New York. Four Asian American artists
Mercury Gallery, London
East West Gallery, London
Christopher Hull gallery, London
Contemporary Art Society, London
Oldham Museum and Art Galleries, Oldham, UK
Hillwood Museum & Bronx River Gallery, New York City. The Printmaking Workshop
Nese Gallery, Los Angeles
Mercury Gallery, London
Christopher Hull Gallery, London
Aire Art Gallery, Scotland
Royal Overseas League, London. Annual selected exhibition
Christopher Hull Gallery, London
Newcastle Art Center, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Bishopsgate Institute, London
Merz Contemporary Art, London
Ikon gallery, Birmingham and touring, UK
Cleveland Art Center, Cleveland, UK. 4th international Drawing Biennial
Greenwich Citizens Gallery, London
Christopher Hull Gallery, London
Galerie Schwerpunkt, Stuttgart. 4 Indian Printmakers
Max Muller Bhawan, New Delhi. Prints from Garhi Workshop
Contemporary Art Society, London. Art Market
Christie’s, London.
Pick of New Graduate Art
Christopher Hull Gallery, London
Contemporary Art Society, Market
Church Gallery, London
Bernard Jacobson gallery, London. From Gonzales to Tara
British Council, Bombay. British Council Scholarship